Step-by-step guide: How to make marijuana oil at home safely and effectively


Introduction: Marijuana Oil and its Benefits

The marijuana oil has gained importance in recent years due to its various health benefits and therapeutic properties. Being a natural and highly beneficial product, it has become an excellent option for those seeking alternative treatments.

Where can you get the best marijuana to make this oil? In our own store. We have a wide range of marijuana seeds high quality oil that you can grow at home to get the best performance in the production of your own oil.

What do you need to make marijuana oil?

Making marijuana oil is not a complex process, but it requires time, patience and, of course, some essential ingredients and tools.

Necessary ingredients

  • Marijuana: To make quality marijuana oil, you need a good base. The marijuana seeds available in our store are ideal for this purpose.
  • Cereal alcohol: Cereal alcohol is an excellent solvent that helps extract the active compounds from marijuana.

Necessary tools

  1. A large saucepan
  2. A fine mesh strainer or gauze cloth
  3. Glass containers for oil storage

The Process of Elaboration of Marijuana Oil

Below, we will detail the step-by-step process for making homemade marijuana oil.

Step 1: Marijuana Decomposition

The first step in making marijuana oil is to break down the marijuana, a process known as decarboxylation. Make sure you have quality marijuana, such as the kind you can get from our marijuana seeds in our store.


Step 2: Extraction of active compounds

The second step is the extraction of the active compounds from the marijuana using grain alcohol and completely covering the marijuana. 

Then heat the glass container with the marijuana and the oil in a water bath, maintaining a constant, low temperature for 2-4 hours.

Remove the container from the water bath and allow to cool. 

Filter the oil with the strainer to remove the remains of marijuana. 

Step 3: Cold storage 

Put the filtered oil in a glass container with a lid and store it cold. 


Alright, so much for our detailed post on how you can make your own marijuana oil at home easily and safely. Remember that you can always visit our online store to get the marijuana seeds you need to make your own oil. We hope you found this article useful and that you can get the best possible product from your own hands. See you next time!

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