Complete guide for the care of the marijuana plant during its flowering stage.


What are marijuana plants?

The marijuana plantsalso known as cannabis, are members of the cannabis family. Cannabaceae. They are known primarily for their use in recreational and medical drug production. However, beyond their controversial reputation, marijuana plants are fascinating from a botanical point of view.

Marijuana plants are naturally robust and can grow in various types of climates. They have even been successfully cultivated in greenhouses and indoors, which has allowed for more precise control over their growth and development, improving the quality and potency of the final product.

Flowering stage of the marijuana plant

The flowering phase of the marijuana plant is the period when the plant creates flowers that in turn produce the cannabinoid-rich resin that is the basis of the recreational and medical drug. This phase is typically the high point in the life cycle of the marijuana plant, as it is the time when the plant invests most of its energy into producing high quality flowers.

There are a variety of influences that can affect the flowering phase, from genetics to environmental conditions, nutrition and plant stress. When growing marijuana plants, it is crucial to understand these factors and how they can be managed to maximize flower production.

Flowering stage indicators

  • Presence of pistils: Pistils are the parts of flowers that receive pollen from male plants. They are visible to the naked eye and usually appear as small white threads protruding from the flowers.
  • Reduction of vegetative growth: During the flowering phase, the plant stops concentrating on leaf and stem production and focuses more on flower production. This means that overall vegetative growth slows down or stops altogether.
  • Inflammation of the buds: Buds are the unfertilized flowers of the marijuana plant that contain the highest concentration of cannabinoids. During the flowering stage, buds begin to swell and become denser as they mature.

Cultivation of the marijuana plant

Growing marijuana can be a rewarding and educational process. However, it requires a solid understanding of the plant's biology, the patience to observe its development and the diligence to respond to its needs. Be sure to check local laws before embarking on any cannabis cultivation project.

If you are interested in growing your own marijuana plant, you can acquire a wide variety of marijuana seeds high quality seeds in our online store. Our team of cannabis experts is available to help you select the seeds that best suit your specific needs and guide you through the cultivation process.


Seed selection

The choice of seed is a crucial aspect of marijuana plant cultivation as it determines the genetics of the plant and can influence factors such as plant size, length of life cycle, disease and pest resistance, and the potency and flavor of the final product.

In our online store we offer a wide selection of marijuana seeds, including both indica and sativa strains, as well as hybrid strains. Each of these strains has its own advantages and disadvantages, depending on your growing goals, you can find the perfect strain for you.

Finally, it is important to remember that each marijuana plant is unique. Even with the same seeds, different growing conditions can result in completely different plants. That's why it's important to familiarize yourself with the basics of growing marijuana and be willing to learn and adapt as your grow progresses.

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