Maxi Gom Auto

(5 customer reviews)

♀︎ Sex: Autoflowering
🧬 Genotype: Critical Mass × ak-47 x rudelaris
🌿 Phenotype: Indica dominant
🏡 Recommended cultivation: Indoor and outdoor
🍃 Indoor flowering: 7 to 8 weeks

💡 Indoor production: 350-450g/m2
🍂 Flowering outdoors: 3 months
🌳 Outdoor production: 80-200g/plant
🔥 THC: 15-21%
💊 CBD: <2%

 Quantity of seeds:

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The Auto Maxi Gom is like an explosion of juicy flavors in the form of a plant! Your buds are as goodies mágicas listas para hacerte smile. Get ready for a fun effect que te hará decir ‘¡Maxi, Gomi, esto es genial!’

¡Cuidado! Su sweet smell puede despertar tus antojos y convertirte en un devorador de munchies.

¿Qué es Auto Maxi Gom?

Maxi Gom Auto es una cepa de cannabis mostly indica which has a percentage of THC that can reach exceed 21%, así que si buscas una seed really spectacular, ¡Estás en el sitio indicado!

Características semilla Maxi Gom Autofloreciente

La semilla Maxi Gom Automática fue created from the crossing of Critical mass x ak47 x rudelaris, dando lugar a una cepa con una wide range from terpenes, muy querida a nivel mundial.


The effects of grass auto Maxi Gom son cerebral, intense y soft. En las primeras caladas notarás un buzzing que algunas personas se puede sentir algo mareadas o confusas. Más tarde, la uplifting feeling will make you feel happymore sociable, talkative, incluso con algun laughing fit.

La variedad de marihuana Maxi Gom auto te llevará a un estado de relajación perfect. If you consume it in large doses, it can cause you to drowsiness and it will take you straight to bed.

Aroma and flavor

The aroma del cogollo auto Maxi Gom es sensacional! Huele a acre y land. It also offers touches of fruits y vanilla. Su olor se destaca por ser bastante powerful. Por ello, será un poco problemático a cara de los vecinos cultivarla al aire libre.

Your flavor delicious is equal to its smell. With hints of fruity and to honey la hacen tan agradable y delicious, que te deleitará y hará que sea una de tus cepas favoritas de la lista. Se te hará el paladar agua.


The predominant terpenes of this cannabis strain are:

Caryophyllene: Terpene with aroma spicy y spicy. It has anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties.

Limonene: Terpene with aroma citruswhich offers the following properties antidepressants y improve mood.

Myrcene: Terpene with aroma herbal y earthyassociated with properties relaxants y sedatives.

Linalool: Terpene with aroma sweet y floralwhich has the following properties anti-inflammatory y analgesics.

Pinene: Terpene with aroma of pine fresh. It has properties bronchodilators y improvement the concentration and the memory.

Cultivo de cannabis Maxi Gom Automática

La cepa Auto Maxi Gom es una automatic plantwhich, compared to the photodependent ones, has a life cycle more short. The plant will be of medium size and compactvery branched. Provide it with a lot of sunlight to grow with great vigor.

La variedad Auto Maxi Gom tiene un limited lifetimeTherefore we do not recommend use techniques of aggressive training such as apical pruning or branch bending. Instead, you can prune back large branches or bend smoothly to improve the quality of the light entry y air flow.

Check your beautiful little ones regularly for signs of disease, and take preventive measures so that they grow strong and healthy. You can use organic or natural methods of pest control.

¡Prepárate para cosechar tus propias golosinas cannábicas y enjoy de momentos de pura dulzura!”


To outdoors estará lista la cosecha de auto Maxi Gom en tan solo 3 months.

Así que si eres una persona impaciente y quieres probar ya tus hermosos cogollos, esta es la semilla con la que podrás conseguirlo. Podrás obtener una cosecha de 200 grams by plant.


In crops of inside Maxi Gom Auto tiene un tiempo de flowering from 7 to 8 weeksand you can expect a harvest of 450 grams by m2.

Beneficios marihuana Auto Maxi Gom

Cannabis seeds auto Maxi Gom son muy querida para aquellos consumidores que buscan relax y control the depresiones and the stress acumulado. La cepa índica Auto Maxi Gom te ayudará a alleviate the dolores leves por enfermedades crónicas, como dolores de espalda, migrañas o artritis, gracias a su poder analgésico y antiinflamatorio. Después de un par de horas de haberla consumido, muchos pacientes se sentirán somnolientos y disfrutarán de una bonita noche de relajación. Nada más despertarse al día siguiente, incluirás Auto Maxi Gom en tu lista de siguientes deseos, por esta maravillosa experiencia.

Undesired negative effects 

Como con muchas otras cepas de marihuana, Auto Maxi Gom puede dejarte la boca seca y ojos secos y con quemazón. Ten al lado líquido, por si sientes esa sequedad en la garganta que se convierte un poco angustiosa. Auto Maxi Gom puede hacer que te sientas un poco mareado, por sus efectos cerebrales. Tienes que moderar la dosis, sobre todo si eres fumador novato. Consumirla sin control, puede causar efectos no deseados, y no dejará que disfrutes de la experiencia tan maravillosa y deseada como es la Auto Maxi Gom.

Frequently Asked Questions

¿Qué tiempo de floración tiene Auto Maxi Gom en interior?

7 to 8 weeks.

¿Qué tiempo de floración tiene auto Maxi Gom en exterior?

3 months.

¿Cuánto THC tiene Maxi Gom Autofloreciente?

15-21% THC

¿Cuál es el origen o lineage de Maxi Gom Auto?

Critical mass x ak-47 x rudelaris.

¿Cuánto rendimiento tiene Maxi Gom automática?

350-450 grams per plant indoors / 80-200 grams per plant outdoors.

¿Auto Maxi Gom es índica o sativa?

Indica 50% / Sativa 50%

¡Feliz cultivo! ¿Has probado alguna vez Maxi Gom Auto? Háznoslo saber.

Empire Seeds Bank is here to get the job done for you: Easy, fast and above all, effective. We want above all your comfort and that is why we are going to do it also here, in the shipments. Customers who have already purchased from us are very happy with the service we offer for shipping in 24-72hIt is one of the fastest in existence.

We prioritize shipmentsWe have seen from our own experience that this is a very delicate issue, especially in this sector, but don't worry, we will take care of it.

Some customers have opted for discreet shipping.

  • Which countries do you ship to?

To everyonebut it is important to note that shipments to Europa please visit 1-2 business days to reach the destination and shipments outside Europe on 6-8 business days depending on the customs of that country.

  • Will I have information when the shipment is shipped?

Yes, as soon as your order leaves our warehouse. we will send you an email with the tracking number of your order so you can track it.

  • How much does shipping cost?

Shipments over 28€ are free and if they do not exceed this amount, the shipping cost is 8€.

  • What is the difference between discreet and standard shipping?

The discreet shipping is a way to send our seeds in a more "natural" way.camouflaged" y never we refer to the marijuana in the package or in the receipts. You can get this option if you pay 5€ extra for it. On the other hand, standard shipping is sent on your original packing and not camouflaged.

  • Do you ship to drop-off points?

At the moment we are not doing it, we want to make the most of your delivery and send it directly to a private address.

If you have further questions about shipping, please see our privacy policy.

Security payments

At Empire Seeds Bank bets on the security in your payments so that you don't have any problems in this regard. That's why, our security payments are fully secured insurance and private.

SSL Secure payment 

Credit card 

Bank Transfer   


If you want to know more information about the payments enter in Privacy Policy.


1, 3, 5+5

5 reviews for Maxi Gom Auto

  1. Anna Calvo -

    nuestra primera vez cultivando maxigom, estrenando luces, con ganas de probar este chicle que tan bien me han hablado.

    • empireseedsbank -

      Hello Anna,
      Gracias por tu reseña. ¡Pinta genial!
      Happy growing 🌿ESB

  2. Sabri Zîelnisk -

    Zostały posadzone i bardzo szybko urosły, a ich kwitnienie również nastąpiło bardzo szybko. Bardzo szczęśliwy

    • empireseedsbank -

      Hi Sabri,
      Thank you very much for your review😊
      Szczęśliwy wzrost 🌿ESB

  3. Luca benez -

    Assaggiando il raccolto in questo momento, non può essere migliore🤝🏽​💚​

    • empireseedsbank -

      Hi Luca,
      Thank you for your comment, we are happy about it.
      Buona coltivazione 🌿ESB

  4. E.RODRIG -

    Sin duda un sabor delicioso

    • empireseedsbank -

      Hola E.RODRIG,
      Gracias por tu reseña, nos encanta leer que te ha gustado nuestra producto.
      Feliz crecimiento🌿​​ESB

  5. Arian Helmut -

    Ich habe sie bekommen!!! tolle farbe und größe danke Empire

    • empireseedsbank -

      Hi Arian,
      Thank you very much for the review😊.
      Glückliches Wachstum 🌿ESB

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Maxi Gom Auto