The Auto OG kusha variety of marijuana with great reputation y cariño a nivel mundial, por miles de usuarios. Con ella vivirás la experiencia de desarrollo con una de las mejores reinas de las cepas cannabicas.
It will be like a famous rapper in your backyard, their buds will be loaded with microphones with large power y flavor that will make you live an experience of pure mastery.
What is Auto OG Kush?
Og Kush Auto is a strain of marijuana mostly indica that can reach the 26% of THCso if you are looking for good quality and most importantly effectivenessyou are in the right place.
Characteristics of OG Kush Autoflowering Seeds
The OG Kush autoflowering seeds were originating at as of cross of great legendary cannabis strains such as OG Kush x Hindu Kush x Rudelaris mountains. Thus giving rise to a plant rich at terpenes that will offer you the aromas, flavors and effects that will be so incredible.
In its effects, the indica side prevails, which will give you a great high that can leave you on the couch lying for hours. The OG Kush Autoflowering weed lifts you up to a state from relaxation y intense happiness and makes you feel like a great joy.
It is a variety of marijuana perfect for end the day y relax with your family, with a good conversation and a good meal, before going to bed. Og kush automatic may leave you a little bit paralyzed, because of its high powerTherefore, always control the dosage and you will get rid of this uncomfortable sensation.
You'll have an incredible craving for food, so you can prepare your favorite munchies!
Aroma and flavor
The odor The Auto OG bud is very sticky and will stay in your room for hours. Its notes citrus will envelop you, making the atmosphere much more warm y fresh. Like its smell, its flavor His notes are not far behind. woody y spicy you will notice them with every exhale and their touches citrus inhaling will leave your mouth watering!
The predominant terpenes of this cannabis strain are:
Limonene: Terpene with aroma of lemon y orange. It has properties energizers and effects antidepressants.
Humulene: Terpene with aroma earthy y woody. Offers properties anti-inflammatory y antibacterial.
Caryophyllene: Terpene with aroma spicy y spicy. Offers properties analgesics and anti-inflammatory.
Linalool: Terpene with aroma sweet y floral. It offers sedative properties and relaxants.
Pinene: Terpene with aroma of pine fresh. Helps to improve memory and the concentration.
Myrcene: Terpene with aroma herbal and earthy, and offers soothing and relaxing properties. sedatives.
Cedrene: Terpene with aroma woody. Offers properties antifungals.
Ocimene: Terpene with herbal aroma and floral.
Fenchol:Terpene with aroma sweetwith properties anti-inflammatory.
Desarrollo de cannabis Auto OG Kush Feminizada
The OG Kush Auto strain is a automatic plantwhich, compared to the photodependent ones, has a life cycle more short. This variety of marijuana has a compact developmentso training, such as pruning or defoliation, may not be necessary. Instead, you can apply techniques of LST (Low Stress Training) to improve the exposure of branches to the sun.
Ten controlled the levels of humidity y temperature para mantener el desarrollo de tus plantas strong y healthy. Use pest controls natural or organic so that they develop healthy and free of pests or insects.
To outdoors you will have the harvest of Auto OG Kush ready in just a few days. 3 monthsand you can expect a harvest of 160 grams by plant.
In the development of inside OG Kush Auto has a flowering time of flowering from 8 to 9 weeks and you can expect a harvest of 450 grams by m2.
Negative reactions
Auto Og kush marijuana is a marijuana strain that will leave your mouth dry, so always have some liquid on hand to keep you hydrated, and your eyes red and dry.
If you consume it in high doses, without control, or you have little tolerance to THC, what it can cause you is a slight paranoia or some users have also experienced dizziness or headaches. Auto Og kush is a potent strain that you should be wary of!
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the flowering time of Auto OG Kush indoors?
8-9 weeks
What is the flowering time of OG Kush Auto outdoors?
3 months
How much THC does OG Kush Autoflowering have?
19-26% THC
What is the origin or lineage of Og Kush Automatic?
Og kush x mountains hindu kush x rudelaris
How much yield does Auto OG Kush Feminized have?
350-450 grams per m2 indoors / 80-160 grams per plant outdoors
Is Auto Og Kush indica or sativa?
Indica 75% / Sativa 25%
¡Feliz desarrollo! ¿Has probado alguna vez OG Kush Auto? Háznoslo saber.
Andre -
Li ho ordinati una settimana fa e già stanno germogliando e spuntando. EMPIRE grande !!!
empireseedsbank -
Hi Andre,
Thank you for your comment, we appreciate it very much😊
Crescita felice 🌿ESB
Josuä -
unmmm my princess, I have her on the balcony of my room, so every time she moves I get the scent in bed. I am so happy
empireseedsbank -
Hello Josuä,
Thank you for your review. We appreciate knowing that you are satisfied with our OG Kush Automatic.
Happy growing 🌿ESB
Chuť je stejně klasická jako před lety, 😍🔥 máte skvělou genetiku, což je v dnešní době určitě těžké najít.
empireseedsbank -
Thank you for your review and for your words. Welcome to the family.
Šťastný růst 🌿ESB