Sweet Kush

(6 customer reviews)

♀︎ Sex: Feminized
🧬 Genotype:  Sweet Tooth × OG Kush
🌿 Phenotype: Sativa dominant
🏡 Recommended cultivation: Indoor and outdoor
🍃 Indoor flowering: 8-9 weeks

💡 Indoor production: 400-500g/m2
🍂 Flowering outdoors: Month of September or October
🌳 Outdoor production: 700-800 grams
🔥 THC: 18-22%
💊 CBD: 0,5-1%

 Quantity of seeds:

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(1-2 days in Europe)
(6-8 days outside Europe)

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¡Nuestra Sweet Kush es como sumergirte en un abrazo dulce y kush-tástico! Como si tu hada madrina de la happiness te envuelve en una nube de deliciosos aromas y flavors. Así que, si buscas un viaje mágico de good vibes y relaxation, Sweet Kush es tu boleto de entrada al mundo de sweetness y welfare.

¿Qué es Sweet Kush?

Sweet Kush es una cepa de cannabis sativa dominant containing a percentage of THC that can reach the 22%. Your time of flowering is 8 a 9 weeks.

Características semilla Sweet Kush Feminizada

Las semillas Sweet Kush feminizadas se created a partir del cruce de dos cepas como son la Sweet Tooth y la OG Kush, dando lugar a una variedad rica en terpenes.

Tiene la forma compact y densa, con hojas cortas y anchas. Su size is mediano. Aunque sea una planta con sativa dominance, tiene muchas características índicas.


The effects from Sweet Kush empezarán penetrando en tu mente como un viaje por un campo de algodón de azúcar, relaxation y happiness. Sentirás como un masaje que relajará tu cuerpo y will stimulate your mind, liberando una ola de serenity y calm que te envolverá por completo.

Después de un rato, te sentirás euphoric y con ganas de laugh a carcajadas. Le pasarás este good vibes a cualquiera que tengas al lado. Es una cepa de ideal cannabis for raise your state of mood.

Deberás tener cuidado con la dosis, ya que te puede dejar apalancado en el sofá, sobre todo si eres fumador novato.

Aroma and flavor

The odor from Sweet Kush is sweet a burs y pine fresco. Es un aroma muy fuerte y todo tu ambiente quedará igual que un bosque de naturaleza verde. Sus notas agrias darán ese toque tan especial que nos ofrece esta variedad de cannabis.

¡Los flavors from Sweet Kush son brutales! Al inhalar, las notas citrus y forest fresco estarán presentes desde la primera calada, y al exhalar su dulzura dejará tu boca hecha agua.


The predominant terpenes of this cannabis strain are:

Myrcene: Terpene with aroma of herbs and earthy. It offers properties sedatives and relaxing.

Caryophyllene: Terpene with aroma spicy. Offers properties analgesics and anti-inflammatory.

Humulene: Terpeno con aroma picante y earthy. Offers properties anti-inflammatory.

Limonene: Terpene with aroma of lemon y oranges. Offers properties stimulants that improve mood.

Eugenol: Terpene with aroma spicy y sweet. Offers properties analgesics and anti-inflammatory.

Citral: Terpene with aroma of citrus. Offers antioxidant properties and antimicrobial.

Borneol: Terpene with aroma menthol y refrescante. Tiene efectos analgésicos y sedatives.

Fenchol: Terpene with aroma refreshing y herbal. Ofrece propiedades antiinflamatorias y antioxidants.

Cedrene: Terpene with aroma woody. Offers properties anti-inflammatory and antioxidants.

Cultivo de cannabis Sweet Kush Fotoperiódica

The cultivation de semillas Sweet Kush fotodeperiódicas es simple de cultivar y lo puedes hacer tanto en climas de inside as of exterior. It is a plant with great resistance to disease, mold and mildew.

Ofrécele una alimentación equilibrada de nutrients like nitrógeno, fósforo y potassium durante su crecimiento.


To outdoors will be ready harvest de Sweet Kush for the month of September u October, y podrás conseguir un rendimiento de hasta 800 grams by plant.

Provide him with a buen clima with lots of sunshine y Mediterranean para que crezca con vigorosidad. ¡Serás la envidia del grupo!


At crops from interior, Sweet Kush has a time of flowering from 8 a 9 weeksand you can expect a great harvest of up to 500 grams by m2.

En cultivos de interior, ten bien controlled the levels of humidity, temperature and maintain a good flow from air active.

Beneficios marihuana Sweet Kush Fotodependiente

Las semillas de cannabis Sweet Kush fotodependientes son muy queridas y alabada entre pacientes y médicos, ya que te ofrecerá propiedades analgésicas y relaxants very beneficial for the health.

Help to alleviate the stress and the anxiety. It also helps to calmar dolores musculares, dolores de cabeza o fibromialgia, gracias a sus propiedades analgésicas. Actúa como sedante y por eso es utilizada para poder rest mejor.

A los pocos días, notarás los efectos de sleep las horas necesarias de sueño, y te sentirás mucho más descansado y más activo. Si sufres falta de appetite causado por tratamientos médicos, Sweet Kush estimula el apetito, haciendo que vuelvas a tener ganas de comerte tu plato favorito.

Possible negative effects

La hierba Sweet Kush tiene algunos efectos negativos. Te recomiendo controlar la dosis y conocerte bien para así disfrutar al máximo esta experiencia. Uno de esos efectos son la sequedad en la boca y ojos.

Ten a mano tu bebida favorita para mantenerte hidratado y sentir esta sensación que puede ser un poco molesta. Algunos consumidores, debido a la potencia de esta flor, han experimentado mareos, dolores de cabeza o paranoia.

Si te sucede algo así, cálmate y come algo, en pocos minutos pasarán los efectos.

Frequently Asked Questions

¿Cuánto tiempo de floración tiene Sweet Kush?

8 to 9 weeks.

¿Cuánto THC tiene Sweet Kush?

18%-22% THC.

¿Cuál es el origen o lineage de Sweet Kush?

Sweet Tooth x OG Kush.

¿Cuánto rendimiento tiene Sweet Kush?

400-500 gramos por m2 en interior / 700-800 gramos por planta en exterior.

¿Sweet Kush es índica o sativa?

Indica 50% / Sativa 50%.

¡Feliz cultivo! ¿Has probado alguna vez Sweet Kush? ¡Nos gustaría saber que te ha parecido!

Empire Seeds Bank is here to get the job done for you: Easy, fast and above all, effective. We want above all your comfort and that is why we are going to do it also here, in the shipments. Customers who have already purchased from us are very happy with the service we offer for shipping in 24-72hIt is one of the fastest in existence.

We prioritize shipmentsWe have seen from our own experience that this is a very delicate issue, especially in this sector, but don't worry, we will take care of it.

Some customers have opted for discreet shipping.

  • Which countries do you ship to?

To everyonebut it is important to note that shipments to Europa please visit 1-2 business days to reach the destination and shipments outside Europe on 6-8 business days depending on the customs of that country.

  • Will I have information when the shipment is shipped?

Yes, as soon as your order leaves our warehouse. we will send you an email with the tracking number of your order so you can track it.

  • How much does shipping cost?

Shipments over 28€ are free and if they do not exceed this amount, the shipping cost is 8€.

  • What is the difference between discreet and standard shipping?

The discreet shipping is a way to send our seeds in a more "natural" way.camouflaged" y never we refer to the marijuana in the package or in the receipts. You can get this option if you pay 5€ extra for it. On the other hand, standard shipping is sent on your original packing and not camouflaged.

  • Do you ship to drop-off points?

At the moment we are not doing it, we want to make the most of your delivery and send it directly to a private address.

If you have further questions about shipping, please see our privacy policy.

Security payments

At Empire Seeds Bank bets on the security in your payments so that you don't have any problems in this regard. That's why, our security payments are fully secured insurance and private.

SSL Secure payment 

Credit card 

Bank Transfer   


If you want to know more information about the payments enter in Privacy Policy.


1, 3, 5+5

6 reviews for Sweet Kush

  1. Geremías -

    Germinadas ! 5 días 10 semillas.

    • empireseedsbank -

      Hola Geremías,
      Thanks for your review, that's great!
      Happy growing 🌿ESB


    Good taste

    • empireseedsbank -

      Hello ELENA,
      Thank you for your comment, we appreciate it very much.
      Happy growing 🌿ESB

  3. george evans -

    Good buds, a lot of resin and tight

    • empireseedsbank -

      Hi george,
      Thank you for your review, we are with you!
      Happy growing 🌿ESB

  4. rushian lecat -

    J’aime faire du shopping avec vous. Je recevrai ma commande dans 3 jours. Success Empire

    • empireseedsbank -

      Hi rushian,
      Thank you for your review, and for your kind words.
      Good growth 🌿ESB

  5. Soraya -

    bellissime piante, ho già coltivato 2 raccolti di sweet kush, non delude.

    • empireseedsbank -

      Hi Soraya,
      Thank you for your review. Welcome to the family 😊.
      Buona crescita 🌿ESB

  6. Dvlen -

    Výkonná rostlina

    • empireseedsbank -

      Hi Dvlen,
      Thank you very much for your review. We love to read you!
      Šťastný růst 🌿ESB

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Sweet Kush