What is Marijuana Pruning?
The marijuana pruning is an essential technique in the development of this plant to increase its yield and improve the quality of its flowers. The process involves the selective removal of certain parts of the plant, such as leaves, stems and buds, in order to redirect its energies towards the development of other components. While it may seem counterintuitive, removing parts of the plant can result in a much more abundant harvest.
Marijuana Pruning Methods
There are several pruning methods that can be applied depending on the specific needs of each developer and the characteristics of each plant. The most common methods include apical pruning, FIM pruning, low pruning and defoliation.
Apical Pruning
The apical pruning consists of cutting the top of the plant to encourage lateral development. By removing the apical bud, the lateral branches receive more light and nutrients, resulting in a denser, more robust plant. This technique is especially effective in the early stages of plant development.
FIM pruning
The technique FIM (Fuck I Missed) is similar to apical pruning, but instead of completely removing the apical shoot, only a small part of the shoot is cut.
part of it. This may result in the development of two to four new shoots from the same location.
Underbody pruning
The underbody pruning is best done at the beginning of the flowering phase. The first 20 days are crucial in determining which branches to prune. By removing the lower branches, the plant can concentrate its energy on the upper flowers, resulting in higher production.
The defoliation involves the strategic removal of leaves from different areas of the plant, without removing branches or buds.
Benefits of Marijuana Pruning
The marijuana pruning can have several benefits. First, it can help improve the structure of the plant, allowing light and nutrients to reach all parts of the plant more efficiently. Second, pruning can help prevent disease by removing diseased or dead parts of the plant that may harbor fungi or bacteria.
Finally, and perhaps the most important benefit, is that pruning can significantly increase the yield of the plant in terms of the amount of flowers it produces.
The marijuana pruning is an essential part of this plant's development. With the right technique and a little patience, you can maximize the yield of your plants and get a more abundant harvest. In our store you will find a wide range of high quality marijuana seeds, perfect for practicing the pruning techniques we have just discussed. Remember, success in marijuana pruning comes with practice, so don't give up if you don't get the expected results on your first try.